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2025 Springhill Outfitters' Junior Turkey Takedown

 April 5th, 2025 (NC Turkey Season Youth Day)


Rules & Regulations:

  • Hunters must be 17 years or younger 
  • Entry Fee: $25.00 (Entry will include T-shirt & NWTF JAKES Membership) *NONREFUNDABLE*
  • Turn-in location: Springhill Outfitters 773 Seafood House Rd. Selma, NC 27576
  • All birds must be turned in before 3:00pm
  • Turkeys must be harvested in North Carolina
  • All NC hunting regulations MUST be followed (NC Turkey Regulations)
  • NWTF Scoring will be applied (How to score a turkey guidelines)
  • Awards and Gear will be given out to the top 3 hunters

-NC Lifetime license presented by Leupold will be given to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place! 

  • Awards will also be given to the heaviest bird harvested



As parent or legal guardian of the child registered, I certify that the child has my permission to participate in the Springhill Outfitters’ Junior Turkey Takedown. By registering and paying for this event, I hereby waive and release Springhill Outfitters and all parties involved from all injuries and damages that may happen in connection with this event. I grant Springhill Outfitters and all parties involved the right to use the name, videos, and photographs of the above said child, in connection with any of the articles, press releases, and media production that may be produced in connection with the event.


Thank you to our Sponsors and Partnerships


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